Aloe barbadensis Mill ., Aloe chinensis Bak ., A. elongata Murray , A. indica Royle , A. officinalis Forsk ., A. perfoliata L. , A. rubescens DC , A. lidah L. var . littoralis König bekas Bak ., A. lidah L. var . chinensis Berger , A. vulgaris Lam . (2-5 ) . Kebanyakan formularies dan buku-buku rujukan menganggap Aloe barbadensis Mill. sebagai nama spesies yang betul, dan lidah buaya ( L.) Burm . f . sebagai sinonim . Walau bagaimanapun, menurut Peraturan Antarabangsa Tatanama Botani, Aloe vera ( L.) Burm . f . adalah nama yang sah untuk spesies ini ( 04/02 ) . Genus Aloe juga telah diletakkan taksonomi dalam keluarga yang dipanggil Aloeaceae .
Bahan tumbuhan yang menarik :
Cecair gel dari daun segar
Aloe Vera Gel tidak boleh dikelirukan gengan jus ,seakan berwarna kuning pahit yang berasal dari sel-sel bundle dalam daun. Ubat Aloe terdiri daripada jus kering.
Penampilan am
Gel ini adalah likat , tidak berwarna , cecair telus.
Sifat organoleptik
Likat , tidak berwarna , tidak berbau , rasa sedikit pahit.
Aloe Vera Gel digunakan secara meluas untuk rawatan luaran luka kecil dan gangguan kulit radang (1, 14-17 ) . Gel ini digunakan untuk merawat kegatalan kulit kecil , termasuk luka bakar, lebam dan melecet ( 1 , 14, 18). Gel ini lagi digunakan dalam industri kosmetik sebagai bahan penghidratan dalam cecair , krim, losyen matahari , krim bercukur , pelembap bibir , salap penyembuhan, dan pek muka ( 1).
Kami di Forever Living adalah penanam dan pengeluar aloevera terbesar dunia bersama-sama kami mengedar dan memasarkan produk aloevera gel yang terbaik di pasaran dan bagus untuk tujuan pembersihan usus kita
Hubungi kami
010 427 8224 / 012 6448260
Rujukan web
1. Bruneton J. Pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, medicinal plants. Paris, Lavoisier, 1995.
2. Grindlay D, Reynolds T. The Aloe vera phenomenon: a review of the properties and modern uses of the leaf parenchyma gel. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 1986, 16:117– 151.
3. Newton LE. In defence of the name Aloe vera. The cactus and succulent journal of Great Britain, 1979, 41:29–30.
4. Tucker AO, Duke JA, Foster S. Botanical nomenclature of medicinal plants. In: Cracker LE, Simon JE, eds. Herbs, spices and medicinal plants, Vol. 4. Phoenix, AR, Oryx Press, 1989:169–242.
5. Hänsel R et al., eds. Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Vol. 6, 5th ed. Berlin, Springer, 1994.
6. Youngken HW. Textbook of pharmacognosy, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1950.
7. Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1998.
8. Deutsches Arzneibuch 1996. Vol. 2. Methoden der Biologie. Stuttgart, Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, 1996.
9. European pharmacopoeia, 3rd ed. Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 1997.
10. Rowe TD, Park LM. Phytochemical study of Aloe vera leaf. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1941, 30:262–266.
11. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues, 2nd rev. ed. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1997 (unpublished document WHO/FSF/FOS/97.7; available from Food Safety, WHO, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland).
12. Pierce RF. Comparison between the nutritional contents of the aloe gel from conventional and hydroponically grown plants. Erde international, 1983, 1:37–38.
13. Hart LA et al. An anti-complementary polysaccharide with immunological adjuvant activity from the leaf of Aloe vera. Planta medica, 1989, 55:509–511.
14. Davis RH et al. Anti-inflammatory and wound healing of growth substance in Aloe vera. Journal of the American Pediatric Medical Association, 1994, 84:77–81.
15. Davis RH et al. Aloe vera, hydrocortisone, and sterol influence on wound tensile strength and anti-inflammation. Journal of the American Pediatric Medical Association, 1994, 84:614–621.
16. Heggers JP, Pelley RP, Robson MC. Beneficial effects of Aloe in wound healing. Phytotherapy research, 1993, 7:S48–S52.
17. McCauley R. Frostbite-methods to minimize tissue loss. Postgraduate medicine, 1990, 88:67–70.
18. Shelton RM. Aloe vera, its chemical and therapeutic properties. International journal of dermatology, 1991, 30:679–683.
19. Haller JS. A drug for all seasons, medical and pharmacological history of aloe. Bulletin of New York Academy of Medicine, 1990, 66:647–659.
20. Tizard AU et al. Effects of acemannan, a complex carbohydrate, on wound healing in young and aged rats. Wounds, a compendium of clinical research and practice, 1995, 6:201–209.
21. Roberts DB, Travis EL. Acemannan-containing wound dressing gels reduce radiation-induced skin reactions in C3H mice. International journal of radiation oncology, biology and physiology, 1995, 15:1047–1052.
22. Karaca K, Sharma JM, Norgren R. Nitric oxide production by chicken macrophages activated by acemannan, a complex carbohydrate extracted from Aloe vera. International journal of immunopharmacology, 1995, 17:183–188.
23. Winters WD, Benavides R, Clouse WJ. Effects of aloe extracts on human normal and tumor cells in vitro. Economic botany, 1981, 35:89–95.
24. Fujita K, Teradaira R. Bradykininase activity of aloe extract. Biochemical pharmacology, 1976, 25:205.
25. Udupa SI, Udupa AL, Kulkarni DR. Anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of Aloe vera. Fitoterapia, 1994, 65:141–145.
26. Robson MC, Heggers J, Hagstrom WJ. Myth, magic, witchcraft or fact? Aloe vera revisited. Journal of burn care and rehabilitation, 1982, 3:157–162.
27. Collin C. Roentgen dermatitis treated with fresh whole leaf of Aloe vera. American journal of roentgen, 1935, 33:396–397.
28. Wright CS. Aloe vera in the treatment of roentgen ulcers and telangiectasis. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1936, 106:1363–1364.
29. Rattner H. Roentgen ray dermatitis with ulcers. Archives of dermatology and syphilogy, 1936, 33:593–594.
30. Loveman AB. Leaf of Aloe vera in treatment of roentgen ray ulcers. Archives of dermatology and syphilogy, 1937, 36:838–843.
31. Visuthikosol V et al. Effect of Aloe vera gel on healing of burn wounds: a clinical and histological study. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 1995, 78:403–409.
32. Hormann HP, Korting HC. Evidence for the efficacy and safety of topical herbal drugs in dermatology: Part 1: Anti-inflammatory agents. Phytomedicine, 1994, 1:161– 171.
33. Hunter D, Frumkin A. Adverse reactions to vitamin E and Aloe vera preparations after dermabrasion and chemical peel. Cutis, 1991, 47:193–194.
34. Horgan DJ. Widespread dermatitis after topical treatment of chronic leg ulcers and stasis dermatitis. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1988, 138:336–338.
35. Morrow DM, Rappaport MJ, Strick RA. Hypersensitivity to aloe. Archives of dermatology, 1980, 116:1064–1065.
Aloe barbadensis Mill ., Aloe chinensis Bak ., A. elongata Murray , A. indica Royle , A. officinalis Forsk ., A. perfoliata L. , A. rubescens DC , A. lidah L. var . littoralis König bekas Bak ., A. lidah L. var . chinensis Berger , A. vulgaris Lam . (2-5 ) . Kebanyakan formularies dan buku-buku rujukan menganggap Aloe barbadensis Mill. sebagai nama spesies yang betul, dan lidah buaya ( L.) Burm . f . sebagai sinonim . Walau bagaimanapun, menurut Peraturan Antarabangsa Tatanama Botani, Aloe vera ( L.) Burm . f . adalah nama yang sah untuk spesies ini ( 04/02 ) . Genus Aloe juga telah diletakkan taksonomi dalam keluarga yang dipanggil Aloeaceae .
Bahan tumbuhan yang menarik :
Cecair gel dari daun segar
Aloe Vera Gel tidak boleh dikelirukan gengan jus ,seakan berwarna kuning pahit yang berasal dari sel-sel bundle dalam daun. Ubat Aloe terdiri daripada jus kering.
Penampilan am
Gel ini adalah likat , tidak berwarna , cecair telus.
Sifat organoleptik
Likat , tidak berwarna , tidak berbau , rasa sedikit pahit.
Aloe Vera Gel digunakan secara meluas untuk rawatan luaran luka kecil dan gangguan kulit radang (1, 14-17 ) . Gel ini digunakan untuk merawat kegatalan kulit kecil , termasuk luka bakar, lebam dan melecet ( 1 , 14, 18). Gel ini lagi digunakan dalam industri kosmetik sebagai bahan penghidratan dalam cecair , krim, losyen matahari , krim bercukur , pelembap bibir , salap penyembuhan, dan pek muka ( 1).
Aloe Vera Gel telah digunakan secara tradisional sebagai ubat semula jadi untuk luka bakar (18, 19). Aloe Vera Gel telah digunakan dengan berkesan dalam rawatan pertama dan kedua darjah luka terbakar terma dan terbakar radiasi. Kedua-dua haba dan radiasi terbakar sembuh lebih cepat dengan kurang nekrosis apabila dirawat dengan persediaan yang mengandungi Aloe Vera Gel (18, 19). Dalam kebanyakan kes gel mesti baru disediakan kerana sensitiviti kepada enzim , oksidatif, atau degradasi mikrob. Aloe Vera Gel tidak diluluskan sebagai ubat dalaman , dan pentadbiran dalaman gel tidak ditunjukkan untuk mengenakan apa-apa kesan terapeutik yang konsisten.
Yang diterangkan dalam perubatan kaum , tidak disokong oleh data eksperimen atau klinikal
Rawatan jerawat, buasir , psoriasis, anemia , glaukoma , ulser petit , batuk kering , buta , dermatitis seborrhoeic , dan jangkitan kulat (2, 6 , 19).
Penyembuhan luka
Siasatan klinikal menunjukkan bahawa persediaan Aloe Vera Gel mempercepatkan penyembuhan luka (14, 18). Dalam kajian vivo telah menunjukkan bahawa Aloe Vera Gel menggalakkan penyembuhan luka dengan terus merangsang aktiviti makrofaj dan fibroblas ( 14). Pengaktifan fibroblast dengan Aloe Vera Gel telah dilaporkan bagi meningkatkan kolagen dan proteoglikan sintesis , dengan itu menggalakkan pembaikan tisu ( 14). Beberapa prinsip aktif kelihatan polisakarida terdiri daripada beberapa monosakarida , terutamanya mannose . Ia telah dicadangkan bahawa mannose 6 - fosfat , komponen gula utama Aloe Vera Gel, mungkin sebahagiannya bertanggungjawab untuk luka penyembuhan sifat gel ( 14). Mannose 6 - fosfat boleh mengikat kepada reseptor faktor pertumbuhan di permukaan fibroblas dan dengan itu meningkatkan aktiviti mereka (14, 15).
Kami di Forever Living adalah penanam dan pengeluar aloevera terbesar dunia bersama-sama kami mengedar dan memasarkan produk aloevera gel yang terbaik di pasaran dan bagus untuk tujuan pembersihan usus kita
Hubungi kami
010 427 8224 / 012 6448260
Rujukan web
1. Bruneton J. Pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, medicinal plants. Paris, Lavoisier, 1995.
2. Grindlay D, Reynolds T. The Aloe vera phenomenon: a review of the properties and modern uses of the leaf parenchyma gel. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 1986, 16:117– 151.
3. Newton LE. In defence of the name Aloe vera. The cactus and succulent journal of Great Britain, 1979, 41:29–30.
4. Tucker AO, Duke JA, Foster S. Botanical nomenclature of medicinal plants. In: Cracker LE, Simon JE, eds. Herbs, spices and medicinal plants, Vol. 4. Phoenix, AR, Oryx Press, 1989:169–242.
5. Hänsel R et al., eds. Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Vol. 6, 5th ed. Berlin, Springer, 1994.
6. Youngken HW. Textbook of pharmacognosy, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, 1950.
7. Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1998.
8. Deutsches Arzneibuch 1996. Vol. 2. Methoden der Biologie. Stuttgart, Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, 1996.
9. European pharmacopoeia, 3rd ed. Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 1997.
10. Rowe TD, Park LM. Phytochemical study of Aloe vera leaf. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 1941, 30:262–266.
11. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues, 2nd rev. ed. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1997 (unpublished document WHO/FSF/FOS/97.7; available from Food Safety, WHO, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland).
12. Pierce RF. Comparison between the nutritional contents of the aloe gel from conventional and hydroponically grown plants. Erde international, 1983, 1:37–38.
13. Hart LA et al. An anti-complementary polysaccharide with immunological adjuvant activity from the leaf of Aloe vera. Planta medica, 1989, 55:509–511.
14. Davis RH et al. Anti-inflammatory and wound healing of growth substance in Aloe vera. Journal of the American Pediatric Medical Association, 1994, 84:77–81.
15. Davis RH et al. Aloe vera, hydrocortisone, and sterol influence on wound tensile strength and anti-inflammation. Journal of the American Pediatric Medical Association, 1994, 84:614–621.
16. Heggers JP, Pelley RP, Robson MC. Beneficial effects of Aloe in wound healing. Phytotherapy research, 1993, 7:S48–S52.
17. McCauley R. Frostbite-methods to minimize tissue loss. Postgraduate medicine, 1990, 88:67–70.
18. Shelton RM. Aloe vera, its chemical and therapeutic properties. International journal of dermatology, 1991, 30:679–683.
19. Haller JS. A drug for all seasons, medical and pharmacological history of aloe. Bulletin of New York Academy of Medicine, 1990, 66:647–659.
20. Tizard AU et al. Effects of acemannan, a complex carbohydrate, on wound healing in young and aged rats. Wounds, a compendium of clinical research and practice, 1995, 6:201–209.
21. Roberts DB, Travis EL. Acemannan-containing wound dressing gels reduce radiation-induced skin reactions in C3H mice. International journal of radiation oncology, biology and physiology, 1995, 15:1047–1052.
22. Karaca K, Sharma JM, Norgren R. Nitric oxide production by chicken macrophages activated by acemannan, a complex carbohydrate extracted from Aloe vera. International journal of immunopharmacology, 1995, 17:183–188.
23. Winters WD, Benavides R, Clouse WJ. Effects of aloe extracts on human normal and tumor cells in vitro. Economic botany, 1981, 35:89–95.
24. Fujita K, Teradaira R. Bradykininase activity of aloe extract. Biochemical pharmacology, 1976, 25:205.
25. Udupa SI, Udupa AL, Kulkarni DR. Anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of Aloe vera. Fitoterapia, 1994, 65:141–145.
26. Robson MC, Heggers J, Hagstrom WJ. Myth, magic, witchcraft or fact? Aloe vera revisited. Journal of burn care and rehabilitation, 1982, 3:157–162.
27. Collin C. Roentgen dermatitis treated with fresh whole leaf of Aloe vera. American journal of roentgen, 1935, 33:396–397.
28. Wright CS. Aloe vera in the treatment of roentgen ulcers and telangiectasis. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1936, 106:1363–1364.
29. Rattner H. Roentgen ray dermatitis with ulcers. Archives of dermatology and syphilogy, 1936, 33:593–594.
30. Loveman AB. Leaf of Aloe vera in treatment of roentgen ray ulcers. Archives of dermatology and syphilogy, 1937, 36:838–843.
31. Visuthikosol V et al. Effect of Aloe vera gel on healing of burn wounds: a clinical and histological study. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 1995, 78:403–409.
32. Hormann HP, Korting HC. Evidence for the efficacy and safety of topical herbal drugs in dermatology: Part 1: Anti-inflammatory agents. Phytomedicine, 1994, 1:161– 171.
33. Hunter D, Frumkin A. Adverse reactions to vitamin E and Aloe vera preparations after dermabrasion and chemical peel. Cutis, 1991, 47:193–194.
34. Horgan DJ. Widespread dermatitis after topical treatment of chronic leg ulcers and stasis dermatitis. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1988, 138:336–338.
35. Morrow DM, Rappaport MJ, Strick RA. Hypersensitivity to aloe. Archives of dermatology, 1980, 116:1064–1065.
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